Rhino Sunny Wildflower Mix
Over 30 types of Annuals and Perennials provide excellent color and variety. 18”- 36” tall. Seed at 10 -12 # / Acre
Seed varieties:
Columbine, mixed, Calendula, mixed, Aster Crego mix, Bachelor Button Blue, Siberian, Wallflower, Garland, Chrysanthemum, Shasta Daisy, Clarkia Chinese, Chinese Houses, Lance leaf Coreopsis, Plains Coreopsis, Dwarf Plains Coreopsis, Cosmos Mix, Sulfur Cosmos, Chinese, Forget Me Not Rocket Larkspur, Sweet William, Purple Coneflower, California Poppy Yellow, Perennial, Gaillardia, Annual Gaillardia, Bird’s Eyes, Annual Baby’s Breath, Dame’s Rocket, Annual Candytuft Mix, Tree Mallow, Spurred Snapdragon, Scarlet Flax, Blue Flax, Alyssum Tall White, Perennial Lupine, Maltese Cross, Evening Scented Stock, Four O’clock Mix, Lemon Mint, Five Spot, Corn Poppy, Mignonette, Gloriosa Daisy, Black Eyed Susan, Scarlet Sage, Catchfly, Marigold Sparky, Nasturtium Mix

Rhino Midwest Wildflower Mix
Mixture designed for our area. Annuals and Perennials, provide brilliant color. Seed at 8-12#/Acre grows 18” to 36” tall.
Seed varieties:
New England Aster, Cornflower, Siberian Wallflower, Lance leaf, Coreopsis, Plains Coreopsis, Larkspur, Sweet William, Purple Coneflower, Perennial Gaillardia, Annual Gaillardia, Annual Baby’s Breath, Blue Flax, Perennial Lupine, Dwarf Evening Primrose, Corn Poppy, Prairie Coneflower, Clasping, Coneflower, Black Eyed Susan, Catchfly
*Exact varieties may change depending on availability.
Individual Wildflower varieties and/or custom mixes are available… special order. Prairie or Meadow Mixes with Fescues or Native Grasses Are also available
Rhino Low Grow/Low Profile Wildflower Mix
Great performing mix of annuals and perennials. Grows. 12”-18” tall. Seed at 8 -12 # / Acre
Seed varieties:
Bachelor Button dwf., Siberian Wallflower, Farewell to Spring dwf., Chinese Houses, Lance Leaf Coreopsis dwf., Plains Coreopsis dwf., Chinese, Forget Me Not, Sweet William, African Daisy, California Poppy, Baby’s Breath, Candytuft, Blue Flax, Sweet Alyssum, Baby Blue Eyes, California Bluebells, Catchfly
Rhino Partial Shade Wildflower
Mix Perennial & Annual Mixture tolerates some shade, provides beautiful color with enough sunlight. Grows 12”-30” tall. Seed at 8 – 12 # / Acre
Seed varieties:
Garden Columbine, Bachelor’s Button, Siberian Wallflower, Daisy Chrysanthemum, Clarkia Mix, Lance leaf Coreopsis, Plains Coreopsis, Forget Me Not, Rocket Larkspur, Sweet William, Common Foxglove, Annual Baby’s Breath, Rose Mallow, Baby Blue Eyes, Shirley Poppy